DogWebs Premium UK renewal page.
Select your renewal option from the drop down menu. £75 for One Year Renewal. (Best Value) £42 for 6 Months Renewal. £24 for 3 Months Renewal. Credit/Debit Card & PayPal You do not need a PayPal account to make payment using a credit/debit card, click on the Pay with a Card link on the next page, (see below).
If your payment does not go through, and comes up with try another card, this is because your bank/CC company is blocking payment, some do this simply because it is an international payment.If this is the case, phone your Credit card company (there should be a number on your card) as you attempt payment again, and request that they approve payment.
You will get an email receipt from PayPal within a couple of minutes confirming payment has been successful.
Check Payments
Check Payments are no longer accepted, please contact Mark if you need an alternate payment option.
When you click on the Buy Now button above you will come to a page that looks like this, the red arrow show where to click if you do not have a PayPal account.